uk cancer TV advert

Feb 26, 2016 9:25 pm
hello all,

now i want u all to be honest with me here on this one. last weekend a advert came on the TV for what i think is cancer awareness. i would imagine most on here in the UK would have seen it. there are two, one shows a lady tube feeding herself and her family sitting around the table looking pretty depressed and the impact is supposed to be quit smoking this is what it does. the other one shows all different people, including the lady tube feeding but also a lady with a ostomy.

ill get to my point,,,,,

i felt agrieved at this as i felt this was not showing our unique situation in a positive light. now further to this i actually had some one say in a coversation yesterday that they had seen the advert and in their words "it must be awful to have one of those things"i saw it on the TV advert.

now at this moment as a few of you may know ive alot going on and to say im slightly emotionaly charged would be an understatement. i have today for the first time in my life complained toOFFCOM or ASA as it is with adverts.i agree with the campain wholly but to use the threat of a ostomy to get folk to quit is in my opinion wrong, as we all know our ostomys are for all different reasons and not as a punishment as this advert is putting over.

please tell me if im being a little tetchy


Past Member
Feb 26, 2016 9:50 pm
Whoa blue - u as excitable as 'arry lol.
I don't know why you have just seen this anti smoking (not cancer awareness) ad. Were you catching up on recorded progs maybe.
Anyway it was released about a year ago (April 2015) and caused furore. Believe it was then adapted.
I have not seen it live (checked it out online ob before posting this)
No you are not being tetchy, I understand your reasoning here.
But , I smoked all my life. And my ileostomy IS because of cancer.
Nothing can be proven, or unproven (if unproven is actually a word lol )
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Feb 28, 2016 8:33 am
Hello Blue.
Tetchy? Isn't your response a just a natural reaction to something you find obnoxious?
Personally I find all advertising obnoxious and I wish that someone would invent an advert eliminator.
I didn't see the advertisement you refer to because up to now I have used the off button for the TV and radio, but sometimes they even sneak in adverts within the programmes.
Best wishes
Best wishes
Feb 28, 2016 5:36 pm

I have not seen the offending advert, but I get your drift and completely understand where you are coming from. Please bear with me, I am about to change the subject slightly. I am finding myself troubled by something else on UK TV at the moment. Its a show called "Too Ugly for Love". It's basically a show where people go on blind dates. The twist in the tale being these people have a hidden health condition which hinders them in their quest for finding a partner/soul mate. Needless to say, some of the lovely (and very attractive) people taking part have an ostomy and they have to decide whether to divulge their condition to their potential partner during the date, at the risk of scaring them off. Being single myself, I find it quite depressing that I must be, myself, too ugly for love and therefore no-one will want me. Why even bother looking, I ask myself. Having an ostomy can be good; it has certainly freed me from a lot of pain and misery and I do not resent it at all. However, it's time like these when it is perceived by the media as ugly and shameful and in the case of the advert - some sort of punishment for smoking - well, it's just another challenge us ostomates have to face. I am not offended by the dating programme I have described, just defeated. My solution - never to watch it again, I have enough hang-ups as it is! It's not easy, is it? Best wishes, Tracey.
Mar 14, 2016 7:08 pm
well tracey, its their loss, they only get their publicity by causing distress and controversy so leave them to it.not sure how long u have had your ostomy,mine is 2 years old today and I can say hand on heart I don't care any more, im fitter than ive been for years.

Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Mar 14, 2016 7:08 pm
and for the record, my complaint was ignored on the grounds that they had no other complaints and it never stated that an ostomy was a bad thing, my opinion, the decision maker does not have a ostomy.
Past Member
Mar 14, 2016 8:21 pm
Who is tracey? Don't see a post from tracey
Mar 16, 2016 6:28 am
Ladygunner -- ALBA. signed he post off as Tracy
Mar 16, 2016 5:31 pm
ha ha ma lady,
did u think I had a imaginary friend, well ive got loads
Mar 16, 2016 5:31 pm
or ma lady are u gonna use the words of a famous French pensioner and say(I didn't see it)
Past Member
Mar 16, 2016 5:39 pm
oops, well I am overdue for opticians appointment!

And leave Arsene alone! Although I have to admit he is guilty as charged. I did not see it sounds good in a French accent tho.
Mar 22, 2016 8:06 pm
ha ha ma lady,
its good va va vu from my mate terry henry (I really do have a mate called terry henry)but from the old man its more like the copper in allo allo
Past Member
Mar 22, 2016 8:45 pm
va va voom !!!
Past Member
Mar 22, 2016 8:45 pm
Oh ,and, how is your French (with,or without , the south coast accent ) ?
Apr 03, 2016 1:57 pm
hello ma lady,
where have u gone, ya coming up as unknown.
my French is as good as the day I walked out of place of life learning all them years ago,and that wasn't very good. I still remember that French teacher though, to a spotty 15 year old those skirts and the perfume will never fade ,
hope u are well
gonna watch that bloody Leicester at sunderland next sunday