Five Fucking Years

Aug 22, 2016 10:57 pm
Five years ago today I was rushed into emergency surgery and woke up to find a 41 staple incision up my stomach and a ileostomy. I had been in the hospital for about three weeks previously and we were planning for this, but the doctors were trying to get me healthier before surgery. My colon had other plans and I started to hemorage out the night of the 21st. What was supposed to be a temporary ileostomy before getting a J-Pouch turned permanent 8 months later.

Aug 24, 2016 1:17 am
Well I don't think "Happy Anniversary" is exactly in order, but....... "Happy your still here, 5 years later, and hopefully many more to come" !!!! Hope your doing well.
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Aug 26, 2016 5:06 am
Hello CascadianAaron. Five years Eh! Anniversaries are often a time when people reflect in a more focussed and concentrated way upon what that time or event meant to them. I am very fortunate because my memory for dates is terrible so I don't tend to have anniversaries. This omission has the effect of spreading any negativity and resentment at the original incident over the whole period so it gradually gets diluted and blends into the background. As long as I have other things to focus upon this background becomes what it is supposed to be 'back'-ground. That is, they are things that have happened in the past, which I have very little control over and I'm damned sure I am not going to let them control my future anymore than they have to. As with most things 'ostomy', we each deal with things in our own ways. I try to write about how I feel (usually in rhyming verse) so that towards the end of periods of negative thoughts, I have produced something that I can look back on as if I have encapsulated it, put it inside a book cover and closed the book. I therefore don't need to dwell on it and it doesn't consume my thoughts on a daily basis. However, every now and then I might flip through the rhymes to remind myself of how I once felt and I can renew my thankfulness that these intense and damaging feelings are now encapsulated and controlled within a relatively harmless rhyming verse.
That's just my long-winded way of saying 'been there & done that' so I can understand how you feel as you remind me of how I once felt.
Best wishes
Aug 27, 2016 12:12 am
Hey Aaron, I'm way older than your profile parameters suggest but congratulations.
Now, Bill, your advice is priceless in many ways. I hope lots of folks read your note, understand just what you mean and give you the big "thank you" you deserve.
Aug 27, 2016 6:41 am
nice topic i thought admin might of said boo hooo thats rude words i say no they arnt whats the go cheers me from OZZY LAND

How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Aug 27, 2016 3:46 pm
WOW! Mooza? Welcome back.
Aug 28, 2016 1:45 am
I'm well known for dropping f-bombs on occasion, it's part of my charm...
Aug 29, 2016 12:13 am
Hey Aaron, as my previous writings imply, the "F" word is often the most necessary word in the vocabulary. How else would we know what we really mean?
Aug 29, 2016 12:57 pm
Hey Aaron....sometimes I feel the exact same way except I say 3 f#@%ing years. Nothing really explains the way a person feels like the "F" word. I am truly grateful to be alive as without surgery, I would have most likely died at 48 years old. Too soon for a headstone. Take care. LH
Sep 01, 2016 2:22 am
had my ileo for 154 fucking year yea!
Sep 01, 2016 2:22 am
ment 15 years Can't type worth a shit lol
Sep 08, 2016 9:01 am
man that's quality, im nearly three years but ive had my share of rants, I compare anger to shyte "its better out than in"
Sep 09, 2016 5:53 am
Course I was using Dog years LOL I have really been pissed about it also. In real years 15. Anytime you want to bitch, rant or have a hissy fix , I will listen.
Best Wishes
Oct 18, 2016 7:16 pm
lol Eddie....I thought Wow....World Record holder here at 154 years old....hee hee