Another unpublished rhyme

Aug 08, 2023 7:33 am


It started as a ‘normal’ day
with working in my ‘normal’ way,
until I had my ‘normal’ break
and took my ‘normal’ food intake.

Upon returning to my work,
my day would turn from bright to mirk,
as I discovered that the wet
beneath my shirt was not from sweat. 

I was embarrassed and ashamed 
that my stoma, now untamed, 
had broken free from its constraint
to land upon my shirt and taint. 

I was surprised and could not speak,
for I had sprung a major leak
and there was nothing left to do,
but exit work to clean up poo.

There was no way I would be seen 
back at work ‘till I was clean,
then, I did what I needed so,
back to work I then could go. 

As I am sure you all might guess, 
when we are in this shitty mess
it is not easy to stay calm 
and greet people with ‘normal’ charm.

This was a day I found quite hard
because it caught me off my guard,
but now it’s done and, in my past,
the lessons learned will surely last.

With all this wisdom we have shared
the next time I will be prepared
and if there are more incidents,
I will have more confidence. 

                                 B. Withers 2020

Morning glory
Aug 08, 2023 2:05 pm

I have been there and felt the panic and embarrassment that followed. It seemsthat it alwayshappenswhen I least expect it. Once it hit right before my flight was ready to board. ThankfullyIwas able to get cleaned up in time, so Ididn'tmiss my flight.

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Aug 08, 2023 8:19 pm