Is Pain Before Passing Stool or Wind Normal with a Stoma?

new to the game
Oct 08, 2023 7:34 pm

Hi there, my first post.

I have had a stoma for several months. I got a second one several days after the first as the first one was placed incorrectly. Is it normal to get pain before passing stool or wind? I have checked for stoma skin problems and eliminated those. I use a convex wafer as my stoma is a little retracted unless it wants to come out sometimes. Do most people wear the convex wafer? Thank you, experts!

Oct 08, 2023 9:19 pm

Welcome to the site! I will sometimes get a bit of pain just before output, especially if there is gas there as well, but most often I don't even know when it is working. As long as it's not bad and doesn't last long, I wouldn't worry. I don't know if I would say that 'most' people use convex flanges, but they are very common. I use one and my stoma isn't retracted at all. The convex flange just offers a little more protection against leaks and can give longer wear time.


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Mysterious Mose
Oct 08, 2023 9:28 pm

Welcome to the site! This is a great place to talk to people about their experiences.

Do you have an ileostomy or a colostomy? I have an ileostomy (and no colon). I often get discomfort in my gut when I eat things I shouldn't or I do dumb things like eat pretzel pieces without my upper denture in. But, I would not call it pain, per se. Can you relate the pain to what you are eating?

As far as convex wafers go, I use a flat wafer, as my stoma protrudes adequately. I am not sure about distribution, but a number of people here use a convex wafer.


Morning glory
Oct 08, 2023 11:07 pm

Welcome to the site. Most of the time I do not feel my pouch filling. On the rare times I have, I had a little bowel escape. I used a flat wafer for twenty years without a problem, but started having problems. I changed to Convatec and that solved it for me. So just try whatever works for you.

Oct 08, 2023 11:48 pm

Welcome, new to the game, and ditto to everyone's comments. I get discomfort sometimes when my stoma expresses output, usually when my output is thicker. As a matter of fact, I welcome it when I'm changing my bag because it warns me that I need to move fast!


Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Oct 09, 2023 3:15 am

Hello "new to the game"

I've had my colostomy for 9 months. Occasionally I get pain every once in a while. After a few minutes it goes away. Usually when this happens, nothing comes out of the stoma. Most of the time I don't feel anything when the stoma is doing its job. During the day I'll look at my bag and am surprised how much output is in there.

If your pain persists... this is not normal. Speak to your doctor or stoma nurse. If your retracted stoma causes problems (leakage mostly) ask your surgeon about revision surgery. They can pull the stoma out a bit and re-stitch it. Some Ostomates on this site put up with troublesome stomas for a long time until they opted for revision surgery. Most were happy with the result.

new to the game
Oct 09, 2023 6:52 am

Thank you so much for your responses to my newbie question! So very helpful. What a relief to get some help. Thank you all again.

Oct 09, 2023 7:27 am

Hi, I do not know when my stoma is active except when it is noisy with wind. I do not get any pain. I use a convex bag because one side of my stoma is flush with the skin and prone to leaking in that area. Elwick

ron in mich
Oct 09, 2023 12:51 pm

Hi, I've had an ileo for a long time and before I had resection surgery, my stoma was the size of a pencil due to Crohn's and had pain with the output. Now my stoma is like a garden hose and output flows freely.

Oct 09, 2023 1:17 pm

Welcome to the site, lots of great advice, help, and support from the group already, and you will always be sure that one or more of us have had the same issues/problems that you may have. So please just ask and remember nothing is out of bounds on the site. XX

Oct 09, 2023 5:26 pm

My stoma is farther up on my stomach. I found a convex wafer pokes me more when I sit down and sleep. However, it was better for preventing leaks when I was still swollen post-surgery. I am almost always aware when Igor is active. No pain, usually an announcement that he's awake. I'm only 2 months post-surgery, and I was wondering if I'll ever get to the point of not being aware of my pouch.

On a personal note, I played a 9-hole par-three course yesterday. 😁 ⛳️🏌️‍♀️ I was a little sore, but I'm really trying to take it slowly. Unfortunately, due to the location of my stoma, the right side of my barrier/wafer gets tugged. It hasn't caused leaks, yet, but I keep a close eye on it. It just necessitates me changing my pouch afterwards as it does allow output to get underneath my barrier.

Oct 09, 2023 6:57 pm

Hey smeans59,

I'm at 9 months post op. I don't notice my bag at all. I've been walking 2 miles a day. This has helped me regain my strength and stamina. After surgery, I could hardly make it to the kitchen at home. If I got a little off balance... I fell over. It takes time... but your old self will return.

Oct 09, 2023 7:37 pm
Reply to Beachboy

Thanks! I've been walking and keeping active, but I must admit, I am very aware of my pouch. I wear a lot of athletic/active wear, and it's hard to hide the bulge of my bag. I'm trying wraps, and will be buying my clothes to fit a little looser. It's really not that bad…I'm happy to be alive. I try to remind myself that I didn't choose to have a colostomy, it's just a part of my story. I'm getting more used to it. As you said, it just takes time.

Oct 09, 2023 9:20 pm

Not sure if what I feel can be described as pain; however, I do get a stinging sensation. Feels like an electric shock.

Mysterious Mose
Oct 09, 2023 10:32 pm
Reply to ron in mich

Yikes! A stoma the size of a pencil? I can't imagine how that would even work. Especially with my diet and the chunks I regularly find in my bag. Almost every day on this site, I hear something that gives me the willies! :-)


Oct 10, 2023 12:04 am

Grace Falls,

I get stinging and uncomfortable sensations when I cut my wafer too close to the stoma.

Last week my wafer was very uncomfortable. I had put it on Sunday. I finally had enough and took everything off after just 2 days. The edge of the wafer hole had "turtlenecked" 3/4 of the hole circumference. My stoma had a red ring under this area. Discarded this misfitting wafer, let my stoma air out for an hour. Then cut a new wafer with a hole much larger than my usual size. This worked great. No stinging or discomfort. I just bought barrier rings. Next wafer change I'll cut the hole with plenty of clearance around my oblong stoma. After shaping, put the ring on the stoma, then the wafer.

Stoma nerves become desensitized quickly. So little sensation is felt there. For me, stinging is a clue something is amiss.


new to the game
Oct 10, 2023 12:32 am
Reply to Beachboy

Thank you, Beachboy.

I have read that there should be 2mm between the edge of the bag ring and the stoma, so some skin is visible, to prevent discomfort. Not sure if that is correct but for a colostomy, I guess that makes some sense?

Oct 11, 2023 10:01 am
Reply to new to the game


My mom has a colostomy for over a year now, and she does sometimes feel when she is about to have output in the bag. Reading everyone's comments, not sure if this is normal or not.

I would get recommendations from folks on here more knowledgeable than me, but for my mom, we don't leave skin visible anymore because her skin was getting a little irritated from stool that got on skin. She uses a moldable barrier from Convatec and a ring too. Maybe my mom feels output at times because it is more of a close fit?

Mysterious Mose
Oct 11, 2023 2:35 pm

I have an ileostomy, so I cannot really speak to a colostomy. But I often feel the activity of my stoma especially when there is some gas involved. I usually don't feel all that much when I am active, but do when idle, especially when in bed. It is not all the time and probably related to what I have eaten. So, I personally do not think this is abnormal.
