Like many who have already posted, there is not much I don't eat. I've had my ileostomy since 1986 and have had only one or two blockages, which I was able to press out by manipulating my belly. All winter, I have a big bowl of oatmeal just about every morning. Never had a problem. If I do experience gut aches, it is usually due to not chewing up lettuce (or the likes) well enough and eating way too many cashews, pistachios, almonds at one time. I have not had a problem if I limit myself to 1/4 to 1/2 cup for the day, and drink plenty of fluid while enjoying. Popcorn is another one I have no problem with—as long as I drink plenty of fluids. I think (in my opinion) that the “trick” is to drink fluids and plenty of them. Water, pop, V-8, beer (that's best in moderation—ha!), even coffee or tea.
I don't eat whole kernel corn at all. Mostly because it doesn't digest well and it works its way under my wafer, which causes blowouts. Stick to creamed corn if you want corn or candy corn! 😉
Hope this helps you to try various foods.