Hi Folks,
Those of you who are familiar with my posts will have seen me talk (practically brag) about how I can eat anything, no problem, as long as I chew well, keep hydrated, etc. Well, I just got a rude awakening. I just spent the last 30 or so hours in the hospital, first the ER, then admitted overnight. I went to bed Thursday night feeling a little gassy, not unusual for me, and expected it to work its way out. It didn't, and the pain got intense. I tried all the usual things, gentle pressure around the stoma, heating pad, bottle of warm Coke. Nothing worked, and the pain increased. At first, I was getting no gas or output, but then I started having some of both, but the pain did not decrease. I finally decided it was time to head to the ER. I didn't think it was a blockage; otherwise, why would there be gas and output? My fear was that I had perforated my ileum, which would be life-threatening for me as I don't have a colon anymore. Well, turns out it was a blockage, thank God, and after many hours of pain, nausea, and vomiting, it worked its way out. So, what caused it? The only thing I can think of is the bean soup I ate earlier that evening. Have you ever tried to eat soup and chew it? Not so easy as it just wants to go straight down, but beans need to be chewed up a bit. Those little buggers are hard to catch on their way through your mouth. I am going to be extra careful from now on and not just with beans. I've had my ileo for 3 1/2 years without a problem until now. Lesson learned! Don't be complacent!