Disused stoma gear

Nov 26, 2023 8:25 am


It struck me just the other day
that many people have to pay
for all the necessary gear
to manage stomas every year.

Of course, there’s some who can afford
to buy this of their own accord,
but there are those who simply can’t,
which gives it all a different slant.

Quite recently, I had some stuff
that had become more than enough
for my own needs so, thought I ought
seek someone else who might be short.

My stoma nurse said she would be 
happy to try to assist me, 
as she collected, in a hoard 
some stoma stuff to send abroad.

This sounded like a good idea
for where to send my surplus gear
so, I looked around for anything
I felt might be useful to bring.

I was surprised at all I had,
which made me feel a little sad|
that I had not done this before
with all this gear I had in store. 

It seems remiss of me, that I
did not think to question why
I had not sought to give this stuff
to those who did not have enough.

But now I’ve resolved this omission
I feel I’m in a position
to pat myself upon the back
and feel that I’m now back on track.

                                                B.Withers 2023

Nov 26, 2023 11:42 am

Are you reading my mind? I've been wondering for weeks what to do with my extra supplies. No stoma nurse here, I doubt the hospital even knows what a stoma is or how it works. I say that because, I went to the local e r in terrible pain, no fever,vet, Dr in ER told me to go home and take my pain pills. They life flighted me out the next day to K C. Brilliant fellow.  

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Nov 26, 2023 12:21 pm
Reply to kittybou

Hello kittybou.
Once again, thank you for replying positively to my post. 
We are very fortunate in the UK to have a system of healthcare that has traditionally employed people to cater for aftercare as well as emergencies.

I understand from past posts, that in the USA there are people and organisations who do collect supplies and send them abroad to people who need them. I believe that the Ostomy Association of America might be able to put you in touch with such people.

On the other hand, if anyone (knowledgeable) on here is reading this, perhaps they could help by chipping in on this thread.
Best wishes



Nov 27, 2023 4:04 pm

Here in Spain (where I now live) I take surplus to Red Cross or Caritas (another big charity)...they would know who in the area might need some more, although it's funded by Health Service

did the same earlier when I was incontinent due to interstitial cistitis and early cancer stages...for that I know they gave my pads to an elderly man that needed more than allotted amount...

But maybe even some churches? Salvation Army?