So I went to my appointment with the dietitian. Well, there were actually two of them that met with me. They gave me lots of handouts about ileostomy diets and diabetes diets, and guess what, the two contradict one another. What is good and healthy for one is a no for the other. They told me I should have no more than 13 grams of fiber a day. Well, guess what? I take 6 grams of fiber in tablet form every day, so that is half my fiber for the day right there. There is no way that I have only 13 grams of fiber a day. I probably have upwards of 25 grams of fiber. See, for the diabetic diet, they encourage fiber because you can subtract it from the carbs in things. So the more fiber, the fewer net carbs. Like, I drink Boost Glucose Control drinks, and they have 3 grams of fiber for one of them. (Incidentally, the regular Boost has none.) So I am sort of at a no-win. Plus, the diabetic diet is full of fruits and veggies, which I have a hard time digesting. It especially suggests raw veggies and salads, which I can't eat. So then you go to the information that they gave me on ileostomies, and it is all "don't eat this" and "that will cause a blockage." I found out that pineapple can cause a blockage. I love pineapple. I have a can of it in the pantry, and now I find out I shouldn't be eating it? And since I got a blockage, my mom keeps making me eat soft foods. I like mac & cheese and mashed potatoes and all, but I want to have more in my diet. I left the hospital on a soft foods diet, but I had thought once I got home I could eat whatever. Well, I guess that isn't so if I don't want to wind up with another blockage. So, I go back to the dietitian in a couple of weeks, and I plan to confront her with the conflicting information and see what she has to say. I am sure that she will be unable to bring the two diets together into one. Maybe she will be as confused as I am.