Discussing Colostomy Reversal - Experiences and Advice

Jul 14, 2024 4:43 pm

Hi all,

I am two-plus months with my colostomy and doing very well with all of it. I will be meeting with my surgeon to discuss reversal at the six-month point. Not sure I will choose a reversal as I am leery of having another surgery/recovery period.

Wondering if anyone reading my post has had a reversal and what that was and is your experience? I am doing so well... better than I have in over 30 years as I had extreme constipation for those three decades.

Thank you for any response that might clarify a possible reversal.


Mysterious Mose
Jul 14, 2024 5:06 pm

Hi Arline. I have an ileostomy following a total colectomy and opted not to have a reversal. So, I cannot give you firsthand advice. But if you are doing well with the colostomy, I can understand the hesitancy for more major surgery.

You don't say why you had the surgery in the first place. What was the cause of the constipation? Has anyone given you any indication as to what the odds are of getting past that after a reversal? If you do some searches here, you will find plenty of stories about reversals. One thing you will notice right away is that everyone is different. The old saying of what is good for the goose is not necessarily good for the gander definitely applies. A lot depends on how much colon and rectum you have left. The more you have, the better the odds. But, they are still odds. It may not be a total crapshoot (pun intended), but there are never any guarantees. I would wait until talking to the surgeon before making a final decision. Hopefully, your surgeon is as straightforward with you as mine was with me. :-)


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Mysterious Mose
Jul 14, 2024 5:17 pm

You may want to read this post that justbreathe put up today. Well worth the read.



Jul 14, 2024 8:57 pm

Hi Arline, ditto what Daniel asked. I'm wondering why you got the colostomy in the first place and what caused your 30 years of constipation. I suffered for decades with constipation too, but it was not solved with a colostomy. My bowel finally perforated, requiring emergency surgery, but the colostomy did not work for me because the problem I had was a colon that did not work properly. It's called colonic inertia, and it wasn't until I got an ileostomy, bypassing the colon, that I finally had relief. If your colostomy has solved the constipation problem, how will it be any different if you have it reversed? If you are doing well and are getting regular output without any constipation, perhaps a reversal is not for you. You need to discuss this with your surgeon.


Jul 15, 2024 2:47 pm

Hello, I had a colostomy reversal on January 30 of this year, and it went great. However, I had no prior bowel issues - it was a perforation during a procedure that caused my emergency colostomy. Your 30 years of constipation and the fact that you are doing better now than before gives me pause and makes me wonder if a reversal is right for you, but only you can make that decision! Best of luck to you in whatever you decide!


Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Jul 17, 2024 2:15 am
Reply to Mysterious Mose

Thank you for your honest response, Daniel.
I had surgery due to an indescribable, forceful pain... it was nothing I had experienced before.
I had about four inches of perforated colon which meant beginning sepsis, and in addition, too much colon, so an additional 12 inches of colon was removed. I believe my impaction was therefore at least a decade or more?
I have had constipation my whole life and am now going on 82. None of the GI docs paid much attention except to prescribe Miralax and diet for IBS. Two CAT scans were given to me before surgery.
I agree with you that each of us will experience a reversal differently, and I am in no rush to have one done... I am two plus months past my colostomy. It seems to be working well, and I may choose to keep it that way.



Jul 17, 2024 2:21 am
Reply to TerryLT

Yes, Terry. I agree with you. I also had a 4-inch colon perforation and that's why the emergency surgery. I also had an additional 12 feet of colon removed due to too much colon which possibly caused the impaction.
It seems that I am doing well with no constipation, so it is probably unlikely I will have the reversal.
I am almost 82 and do not want to go through another major surgery.

Thank you for your thoughtful response.
