Decreased Stoma Output in Elderly Wheelchair User

Jul 22, 2024 12:33 pm

Hi, my "problem" has been around for a while now and I'm getting really frustrated 😩

Just a brief personal history:

I'm a 62-year-old woman and full-time wheelchair user with a 7-year-old large non-functioning prolapsed colostomy and 3-year-old iliostomy. I also occasionally have low sodium levels.

I have a reasonably healthy diet, plenty of fresh foods, etc., but my stoma has become less productive to the point where there is nothing to empty during the day nor early morning. I've been eating soft foods and always drink plenty but confess to having eaten popcorn 3 or so weeks ago. My stomach is quite distended, I haven't been sick and have no temperature. I've been hospitalized 4 times in 3 months to address the sodium levels, the last time (3 weeks ago) my bowels did actually kick into action although they stopped again when discharged. Doctors have examined and if they can hear bowel noises they're not concerned. Really don't know what to do next?

Thanks for any interest or advice 🙃

Jul 22, 2024 3:26 pm

So, just to be clear: You still have the non-functioning prolapsed colostomy? It wasn't surgically closed? An ileostomy is more active than a colostomy. Little is coming out of the stoma, your stomach is distended... and your doctor is not worried?

If food goes in... it has to come out. If it's somehow blocked, it's going to build up in your intestines. Eventually, it will cause problems.

Okay. Demand a CT scan. Put salt on everything you eat. Get kidney function checked. Don't eat popcorn. Have your potassium level checked. Drink more water. Don't chug it, sip it. Too much water at once will get flushed out of the body. Consider adding electrolyte powder to the water, or buying electrolyte water.

Ask for a different doctor to get a second opinion. Don't eat popcorn (think I mentioned that).

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Mysterious Mose
Jul 22, 2024 7:00 pm

I agree with Beachboy. If you have an ileostomy and you are eating and drinking and you are having no output and your doctors are unconcerned, I think you should try different doctors if you are able.

When your stoma did work while in the hospital, what were you eating? What changed in your diet after returning home? Are you avoiding food that can cause blockage, like popcorn or anything else with high insoluble fiber content?

I've had my ileostomy for less than 2 years. Little to no output during a day in which you are eating and drinking is not natural.


Jul 24, 2024 8:49 am

Hello Raphae

Why do you have a colonoscopy?

And do what Beach Boy says.