Aug 19, 2024 8:45 am

YOU CAN BE A HARD CASE & A ROMANTIC at the same time.  Well, not simultaneously, perhaps, but these two competing descriptions can exist within one person.  Contradictions are common in many people.  My sympathy for the plight of dumb animals far surpasses any compassion I might feel for stupid people.  I am not religious, but I believe that my personal faith and morality transcends the hypocrisy I see in many pious bible pounders.  I laugh at absurdities, but cry at some movies.  I have plenty of education, but I’m no scholar.  I read constantly, yet somehow my poor brain fails to hold onto as much as I’d like.  As a homeowner, I have no choice but to spend time working in the yard, yet I avoid a lot of common yard tools, most especially leaf blowers.  I live with my contradictions like I live with my ostomy.  Sometimes one is more troublesome than the other; sometimes vice versa.   

Aug 19, 2024 11:50 am

I agree with the sympathy for animals over dumb people. Also, agree with the Bible pounder part. BTW, leaf blowers are a great tool. 😁👍

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Aug 19, 2024 7:51 pm
Reply to AlexT

I hate leaf blowers!  They sound like giant insects that I just want to swat!


Aug 19, 2024 9:56 pm

When I posted this, I suspected that the leaf blowers comment would be the focus of responses.  LOL...   

Aug 20, 2024 1:38 am
Reply to HenryM



Yes, have to admit I too  thought so  ....

and whatd'yaknow .....


I do confess to using one - a LB, that is ....  [when there is acreage to keep in check - the leaf blower is way more kind on the repetive strain of a rake .... AND they do make for a very slick look around buildings and features - when used in moderation save a LOT of TIME .....


But one thing I just hate to see - and that is council workers [no particular offence here - for its just where I see the application on the side walks - pavements within towns in UK] using them 'willey-nilly .... blowing leaves from A to B - then ceasing to 'contain' the piles so formed ...... and it happens with contract firms too in some office and corporate envions too ......................


SO even I have mixed feelings about the leaf blowers [mine's one that also supposed to [be able] gather up the leaves too - but the 'suck' facility SUCKS - ie doen't work well - next model will also be lighter in weight with a stronger blower  [my big garden tongs are way better paddles for bagging up] !!!   ............. See I can stick to topic - sometimes, just about!


So much for product feed back ...... MAy be you can get a MRco interested - we have the Membership - just need the active feedback hey!  [sorry - not, bad me]





Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Aug 20, 2024 5:45 am

The best way to use a leaf blower is with a good wind at your back. 👀

Aug 20, 2024 5:12 pm
Reply to AlexT


Aug 25, 2024 5:37 pm
Reply to HenryM

Forget the leaf blower, HenryM.   I agree totally with the rest of your post.  I am just afraid that I, in my dotage, come across as stupid at times. That would hurt me more than most anything else. When one gets old, knows one is slipping occasionally, it is worse than if one no longer knows one is slipping. That is also why I have come to the conclusion that, contrary to all of those who are so grateful to wake up in the morning, I would counter with "but would you know?"

As to animals, and many years ago, Schopenhauer said "Seit ich die Menschen kenne, liebe ich die Tiere." That sort of translates into "when I got to know men, I began preferring animals". If you have a better translation, Henry, please share.

As to being a church-going Christian, I am not.  But just like you, my moral compass, acquired courtesy of my parents and the nuns in church teaching catechism and the 10 commandments, I am convinced that those 10 commandments are all we need instead of the tomes and tomes of law books, and the continuing belief by elected officials that more and more a needed.