Is Mucus Output Normal for a New Colostomy?

Aug 19, 2024 7:45 pm

I had an ileostomy for 3 years. I had it reversed and a colostomy to the other side of my abdomen. Is it normal for my stoma to have a mucus output along with the normal output? The ileostomy stoma was just shiny, while the colostomy stoma has mucus over it. Is this normal? I've only had the colostomy for 4 months and it's completely different than the ileostomy. Output. Appliance. Everything is different.

Aug 19, 2024 7:56 pm

Hello jalrein.

Mucus is generated by the colon. Therefore, logic would suggest that the more colon you have the mucus it will generate.
an ileostomy has quite a lot less colon than a colostomy. also the faeces has further to travel and changes its consistency along the way.
The answer to your question 'is this 'normal' would presumably be a resounding YES! Except that there is not much that's 'normal' about a stoma. But, within a community like this, stomas are 'normal'.

Best wishes


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Aug 19, 2024 8:08 pm

My colostomy stoma has mucus on it. Sometimes more, other times less.

I also expel mucus from my rectal stump.

Aug 19, 2024 8:38 pm
Reply to Bill

Thanks, Bill! My colon is completely normal. I have the colostomy due to a spinal injury I had 4 years ago, and since it's too dangerous to do surgery on that area of my spine, I have no feeling in my waist. No muscle control. What you told me makes complete sense. After I read your response, I spoke to one of my ostomy nurses. She said the same as you. Thank you so much, Bill.

Aug 19, 2024 10:46 pm

Yep, there's mucus.


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