If it was you, what would you do? I am waiting for surgery number 7 to repair a small bowel fistula which developed after my surgery last year (also to repair two fistulas). Basically, I have several holes in my abdomen that leak fluid, currently about 100mls. If it was one hole, I think I could manage, but currently I have 7 holes that leak. I try to manage it with wound bags, dressings, and pads. The holes quite often close and then the build-up either reopens one that has closed or it makes another one, which is painful for a week or two until it breaks open. The main problem I have is keeping the dressings etc. intact, so sometimes I have to shower and change several times a day. My surgeon is reluctant to do further surgery given that every time he tries to repair one, another one develops. The main problem is that I have a lot of scar tissue and adhesions as my illness was misdiagnosed for 20 years, and so it's hard to repair and puts me at risk of further problems. So I am in a quandary. Part of me remains hopeful he will crack it this time and all will be well, and the other part says, "Come on, Trish, try and manage it, get on with your life, and if in a year's time nothing's improved, go back and have the surgery." I really can't imagine having a sex life like this, never mind a relationship. I am desperate to return to work and have some sort of life, but can't imagine finding an employer that's going to be tolerant of someone that needs to wash and change during a working day. My career has always been a huge part of my life, and being out of the workplace for this long has been hard, not just financially but in all ways. So I know it's my choice, but if it was you, what would you do?

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Before making the trip from your hospital bed to your home, it's important to review some essential care tips and precautions with your stoma care nurse.
Follow our 9-point hospital discharge checklist.
Follow our 9-point hospital discharge checklist.