Urostomy Leaks Daily: Seeking Effective Solutions

Apr 08, 2013 2:43 am

I had a colostomy in July and my urostomy  in October. My urostomy leaks several times a day Spending a small fortune in supplies, tried adapt past different rings nothing has worked. I really want my life back Any suggestion would be welcomed, thanks, Linda
Apr 09, 2013 7:55 pm
Hi Linda. I know nothing about urostomies but will try to offer some help. You're not having any problem with the colostomy appliance, so let's try to figure out what's different. I'm guessing liquid is getting under the wafer. I can only suggest a couple of things like making sure the skin is completely dry before applying the wafer. If there's any space between the stoma and the wafer, eliminate it with an Eakin seal. Beyond that, an ostomy nurse would probably fix this up immediately. Good luck and post again if you need help.


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Apr 09, 2013 8:01 pm
I forgot to suggest heating the wafer (and the Eakin seal) with a hair dryer.
Apr 11, 2013 8:35 pm
Hi I had mine August 2012have had nothing but trouble with I have had so many different pouches it's quite got another yesterday it's sticks to skin and held with a belt I also have a hernia the last 3 days I have had terrible pain inthe top of my stomach any suggestions I am new to this  so any info would be helpful I have stopped going out since a good while as I am afraid people can smell it or it leaks as it does very often thanks kk
Apr 12, 2013 4:36 pm
You might try a website that's more specific to your needs.

http://treato.com/Colostomy,Spina+Bifida/?a=s  is one .

Wishing you the best,



Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister
