Changing My Stoma Site Due to Complications

Jul 05, 2013 11:36 pm
I am not one to post issues or come on this web site, much.  I just need some advice in regards to having a permanent illeostomy....I have had my illeostomy  for 3 yrs now,,,,  About a year ago, I was hospitalized for a wound around my stoma.  As I was there, I also began to address the issues of kidney problems.... I was diagnosed with a pyoderma gangranosum.  It has been a year since my hospitalization and I am still battling the issue.  I think the area next to my stoma is breaking down and I have to change my appliance CONSTANTLY!!!  I truly believe my surgeon is going to have to change the site of my stoma...  Does anyone know what this surgery entails???  Or better yet, has anyone ever experienced this before???
Jul 16, 2013 6:20 am
shell - I've had my stoma 51 years and have had 2 revisions and one where they removed more intestine and moved the stoma site. Surgery is similar to a standard stoma creation, full sedation and open the abdomen. If this is needed make sure to have the help of a WOCN (Wound Ostomy Nurse) before and after the surgery. Have the nurse site mark you for new stoma placement. Also try and have a WOCN in now to see if there is anything she can suggest for your skin. Good Luck!
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Jul 31, 2013 9:15 am

I have had my ileostomy site changed when I can a complete protocolocetomy and than had a stricture in my terminal ileum.  Just be sure you have a surgeon that has extensive experience in ostomy surgery.  The last surgery was an emergency and had to have it a community hospital and boy did he butcher my stoma.  

My original surgery is at Northwestern University and my stoma was perfectly shapped like a cherry and absolutely no skin issues or lesions and I took is for granted.  

Be proactive and ask the right questions.  If you are educated patient, they will treat you will so much more respect and listen to your input.
