Desperate for Help - Constant Leaking Around Stoma

Sep 15, 2014 10:47 am

I have had my colostomy for 5 years and, like all of you, have my ups and downs. I am now facing a problem that if anyone can help me, I would be so appreciative. Please do not say go to wound care nurse, as I have been down that road and they are all about trying different appliances. Some work for awhile, then don't. This problem I am having is driving me crazy. I have everyday leaking around the stoma no matter what I try. This week it has happened every day, so now I don't want to leave the house, as one minute it is good and the next stool is everywhere. Please help me as I can't live like this. Thank you all. Hometown.

Sep 15, 2014 10:53 am
Most of us here can only talk about our own experiences with having a is a learning all of us are different....body shape, sweating....type of appliance.........For me.....well, I use a strip tape paste made by Coloplast which you circle around the is like a barrier........the area has to be dry...use a hair dryer...and a skin prep....The stoma moves when passing stool from my the strip tape is an extra barrier...You may also want to check out irrigation....which you will then be able to control when you pass stool.......check with your stoma nurse.....Coloplast sells irrigation kits...and it is an easy process which may set you free..........check it out.....
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  38,273 members
Sep 17, 2014 6:26 am

Thanks for your reply. I can't irrigate as my stool is mostly water and works about 5 times a day. This thing with the bag leaking around the stomas has happened 7 days in a row and now I feel like I can't trust it to go out at all. I first get the horrible smell and next thing the water running down my leg going everywhere. I have used other products and some work for awhile then have problems also. I have tried now to use a method of using tape all around the appliance area where the stool gets out and I have had no leak in two days so maybe I found something. Thanks again, Joyce

Snookis Mum
Sep 18, 2014 12:16 am

Hi Dcrazy

I had the same problem (not quite as bad as yours) and solved it by using a convex pouch (I use Coloplast Assura one piece). The convex pushes down the skin around the stoma and doesn't allow the stool to leak under the seal. You can call Coloplast or go online and they will send you a free sample.

Good luck!


Sep 18, 2014 1:46 am

Hi Dcrazy,

I found a product you might be interested in checking out. It is called Sure Seal Rings. I just found it today and sent for a sample myself. Hope you find what works for you soon. Here is the link to the site:


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Sep 22, 2014 7:01 pm

Even though people say the paste is only to fill in creases in the skin, I put a thin layer around the hole in my flange before I put it on. It works for me.

Past Member
Sep 25, 2014 4:37 pm

I use the mouldable flanges (you don't cut the centre circle out, you just roll it back, put it on and it will unroll tighter to the stoma). That defense #1.

I also purchase the 6" square DuoDerm sheets. I cut them into 3 rectangles. I then cut half-circle indents on the edge in the middle of one side. I place these 3 strips on the two sides (over the tap barrier of the flange) and one on the top. I don't find I ever leak from the bottom, so no need for one there.

If I lose my centre seal (around the flange) and the stool makes it as far as the tape barrier, I can see it under the DuoDerm. That gives me a chance to deal with things before it's too late.

Before I got the mouldable flanges, I found that due to the shape of my belly, the stiffer ones never worked (I would end up with a nice little channel from the outside to the stoma and leak from there all the time). I also found that when going to the mouldable flange, it would only stay on for a day, maybe two, until I added the DuoDerm around the outside. Now, I get 5 days wear, or so, with no concerns for leakage. I do admit, I do not take showers daily (every other instead), as that always shortens my wear time as I don't cover things up. Before you call me Mr. Stinky, I work at a desk job and I am a lazy ass (well, I mean to say I am not very active as my stupid back/bones are often too sore thanks to good old Osteoporosis). I also never seem to get B.O., maybe due to the bland diet I seem to enjoy.

Anyways...that's my solution to leakage issues.

Sep 26, 2014 1:45 am

I had the same problem. I tried several different products, finally found the only one that I had any success with was the Convatec two-piece precut. I do use paste but that's all. The stoma nurse wanted me to wear the one-piece but couldn't find any that didn't leak. I seldom ever have a leak now. I have numerous liquid output. Hope this helps as I know it gets very frustrating.