Ostomy Bag Filling with Air at Night - Need Advice!

Oct 30, 2014 1:49 am

I don't know if anyone else has this trouble but I find that everytime I try to sleep at night my ostomy bag fills up with air to the point where it llifts my appliance and I leak!  So i have to try to keep myself awake all night so I can monitor it or set a timer so I am awake every 3 hours to check on it.

It doesn't happen to me during the day if I take a nap...just at night.  It is driving me insane.  It is bad enough that I have insomnia so when I do get a chance to get some sleep I really want to take advantage of it and I can't because of this.

Does anyone have this problem?  Can anyone give me tips on what I can do?  I mean I make sure to cut myself off from food by 5pm and I only take sips of water or something through the night.  I even have a bag with a filter that is supposed to stop this from happening.  If anyone has any ideas for me please let me know because I am at my wits end.  I can't tell you how many clothes this problem has ruined and I have to be sure t

to sleepp either under a chuck from the hospital or a towel or my sheets get ruined!

thanks for reading and hopefully someone will have some ideas because its driving me nutters!


Nov 02, 2014 5:39 pm

Hi Allie,

For me (ileostomy), I find that I have to be very careful of gas-causing foods/drinks ... especially from supper time onwards. There are lists around of gas-causing foods to limit and/or avoid.

Another one is don't chew gum.

Do you have a 2-piece appliance? If you have lots of gas, you may find that this would be a better system than a 1-piece for you. I 'burp' my bag and that makes a huge difference.

All the best,


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Nov 06, 2014 11:08 pm

Same with me as said above its what we eat and drink im practically rarely sleeping more than a few hours a night as i get dehydrated sooo easerly there so many food i shouldnt eat but i say that lil prayer and eat popcorn so far so good but u eve fet the blockage which i do get AGONY AGONY lol takes a few ours to unblock and needs a chill pill to rrelaz the muscles for pain 1 trist in the bowel was my worst complication but i do forget how many complications i have had ..


Now go enjoy your food maybe limit yourself a few hours before bed .HAPPY EATING MOOZ

Nov 07, 2014 4:34 am

All I can think of is the sure seal rings. Although they won't do anything for the gas they may help keep your bag on. Here is a link to the site where you can request some free samples. I have the samples and I am very happy with them.


Homie With A Stomie NS
Aug 27, 2022 1:49 pm

hi Allie...give this a try even for 1 day...if your pouch has a filter cover it for 1 day and night to see how that works for ya...

Although it's said watch what you eat or drink on this subject we all react diffently and 1 say u eat said and all is fine 2 days later u eat said again with a totally different results....Myself personally I eat what I want chew  the 💩  out of it followed by water of course and no issues....I drink soda coffee and I chew gum etc each with different results....

Sometimes simple is the solution  



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