I've recently gotten a colostomy reversal and I'm completely regretting it. I'm 18 years old, and I went into the hospital last year for a 'simple' Delormes procedure to fix an anal prolapse and hernia. During the operation, the surgeon sewed a stitch too tightly which created a small hole in the back of my bowel. I was sent home from the hospital a day later believing I was going to be okay, but I knew something was seriously wrong after getting home. Streams of blood were coming out of my back passage, it was very painful, and I was generally just feeling really sick in every way. It turned out that feces was leaking through that hole and into my body, causing a huge infection. The doctors told me there was no need for me to be in that much pain. They did various uncomfortable/invasive tests over a large amount of time and discovered the hole, and they thought that the best way to fix the problem was to drain the hole, pump me full of antibiotics, and wait for the hole to heal up. That didn't work, and my anus actually separated from my rectum and disintegrated during the time the doctors spent fannying around not doing anything. This is why they had to put in my stoma.
The surgeon said the stoma was temporary and that within 3-6 months they would reverse it. The surgeon said that scar tissue formed where everything had disintegrated so they had to get me back into the hospital every month to place new skin there and dilate the area. This occurred for 8 months until I actually got the reversal. The doctors never prepared me for the normal repercussions of the reversal, let alone the repercussions of my particular case. The hole that my excrement comes out of is so small, she says it should stretch over time but I'm not really sure if that will happen. Basically what I get from it is that the muscle was so damaged it won't stretch out so I can have a big poo and it doesn't clench to hold in poo. It has been over 2 months since the reversal and I am absolutely miserable. I'm constipated, cannot take a satisfying poo (it doesn't all come out), can't hold in farts, can't tell the difference between a fart and a poo, extremely bloated, have a constant unsettled stomach, if I need a poo I have to rush to the toilet. I'm just so uncomfortable. And it's been this way since I've left the hospital. I've used a multitude of different treatments including laxatives, suppositories, enemas, herbal remedies (such as peppermint oil and charcoal tablets)... nothing seems to give me a hint of hope. I've also been referred for some kind of electricity surgery where they put wires from my spine to the muscles in my bum but not heard anything about it yet, and they don't even know if it will work. My surgeon always has a different story, she assured me about a month before the reversal that I would make a full recovery and be okay to go on my holiday to Malia in the summer and start uni in September (which I already put on hold for a year because of this whole mess), and now she's telling me I will never have a normal functioning bowel, ever. I feel cheated by the whole healthcare system from the problems they caused, the hell they've put me through, and all of these complications following the reversal.
My mental state is seriously suffering as a result, and I'm feeling seriously depressed. I keep thinking how regretful I am of getting the colostomy reversed, and wish I could have it back... at least then I could be getting on with my life. I could seriously use some advice or support. I hope someone gets back to me because I feel so alone, and there's no way out. There's no foreseeable time where I will be better, and I'm trying to stay strong but each day that goes by I'm losing more and more hope.