Ladies with Ileostomies Discussing Period Concerns

Oct 22, 2016 7:50 am

Hi everyone. I am only in week 4 of recovery from my illeostomy. I have had everything removed with a temp illeo ready for pouch surgery in 6 months (maybe). I was due on my period 2 days ago. Still no sign of period but last night I woke up at 2am in agony, still no sign of period. I'm still in pain this morning. Could this be because my period is coming? Bag is still functioning and it's not watery. I've had such a bad time during recovery. Just as I started to feel better I got post op wound infection. It's been a rough ride, as soon as I start to feel normal something else happens. Is this normal?? 

Oct 24, 2016 7:17 pm

Hi Katerina,

Your body has been through a LOT. Not strange at all that it could throw your period off a bit. Still, run it by your doc. Infections and wounds can also produce pain. Does the pain feel like menstrual cramps or does it feel different? That would also be a clue.

I'm menopausal, but during my hospital ordeal, I also had heavy pains that I thought were surgery related. Then bleeding "down below"when they insisted on yanking me up to sit in a chair. I was scared to see so much blood! I basically had to figure it out myself.They didn't give me an answer. I got a surgical pad from a nurse and put it between my legs for a few hours and it became clear which opening it was coming from. Although I am in menopause, I am also on bio-identical hormones and had left those at home during my emergency hospital stay. My body somehow got the message to begin periods again!!

Once I got back on them the bleeding stopped. 


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Oct 24, 2016 7:21 pm

Hiya. It was a cramping pain, the doc said to have regular pain killers and that seemed to do the trick, the day after I was fine. Still no period though. But on the plus side no pain. I've had post  operation wound infection but that's cleared up now and the scar is almost healed. Hopefully I'll get a period some day soon. I was always regular and to the date pre op but I understand my body needs to get back to 'normal' first. Thanks for your reply xx

Oct 24, 2016 7:29 pm

You may be off schedule for awile anyway -- anything this drastic can change cycles!  Glad you are healing -- lots of luck ahead.

Past Member
Oct 26, 2019 12:41 am

I have had my ileostomy for4 months and my period is still way off schedule,I guess It takes awhile to get back on track after so much messin' with your insides. 

Best of luck!


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