Struggling with Mucus Plug Post-Ileostomy and Seeking Advice

Jan 11, 2017 10:42 pm

Hi all, 

I am 5 weeks post op temp loop illieostomy.

I had had the urge to pass something rectally a few days ago, and since i have anal stenosis and a chronic anal fissure, it split and bleed so badly that I got a fever and sepsis for about 24 hours untill my body got through it.

I went into hospital they sent me home telling me to pass it at home using enemas. I tried and am just not able to dialate enough to pass what ever is inside there, its not stool as i got x rays so its a dried up mucus plug probably.

I tried irrigating my self with warm filtered water and coconut oil enema, could only hold it in for 10 minutes max , but only loose mucus came out, not the larger item.

I am afraid of the fevers as i get tachycardic  heart rate over 160 and my tempreature is over 38 some times goes to 40+.

They wont do a colonoscopy to remove it for me, and i cant dialate enough to pass it my self.

Please help.

Longer term but very soon hopefully,  I am wanting an end colostomy and lower colon removal as my rectum is just beyond repair, and i cant handle passing anything. The chronic fissure is not jsut a little fissure, its deep and big enough to cause me dangerous fevers sepsis and tachycardia on a daily basis. I need an end to this suffering. My body can not handle to many more septic episodes.

If my colorectal surgeon in Australia dosnt want to do it I am open to travel OS to a more understanding CRS who can perform this end colostomy for me.


Thank you




Mar 14, 2017 8:36 am

Hi Rosherau,

I had similar problems to you and had to do weekly enemas. The pushing and straining caused a large parastomal hernia. In June last year I had my rectal stump removed. I live in NSW and have a fantastic colorectal surgeon.

message me if you would like his info ☺

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Mar 15, 2017 8:41 am

Hi OldCrohnie, 


I just realised that i have to be a full member to message you! And i havnt been able to work in over 4 years and my income isnt even DSP, so i cant afford to become a member, is there any way that you can post his name evn or is that not even allowed. : )


Currently seeing 2 different colorectal surgeons about this issue, both bulk billing me.


Thankyou OldCrohnie



Mar 17, 2017 12:44 am

Sorry Rosherau,

I'm new to this site and didn't realise that we couldn't private message each other without paying a join up fee. I'm not even sure about rules!

Anyway, when I lived in Windsor my colorectal surgeon was Jodie Ellis - Clark. She is in Penrith and operates at Nepean Hospital. She performed my original colostomy & hernia repairs.  Wonderful woman!

I now live on the Mid North Coast and travel down to Newcastle to see Brian Dragonic who is in the grounds of John Hunter Hospital. He removed my rectum last year & resited my stoma. He came highly recommended by my GP.

Hope this helps. No one should have to put up with what you've been going through. ☺