Ileostomy Output Changes and Unexpected Weight Gain

Nov 06, 2017 10:57 am

Hi everyone!

About 3-4 weeks ago my ileostomy output totally changed. If I don’t eat every certain number of hours it starts producing large amount of yellowish liquid which I’m guessing is bile. The extra eating even though the calories aren’t adding up to much are causing a big weight gain.  Any suggestions?


Nov 06, 2017 9:17 pm

Hi Ianabana. I think an ostomy nurse might be able to give you good advice. I wouldn't begin to guess because I'm not even certain if our color perceptions are the same. That's just another way of me saying I just don't know enough about it. Please see a professional and share their diagnosis with us.



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Nov 07, 2017 9:47 pm

This happens to me all the time now, the less I eat, the more output I have & it's all "water". But I have a problem with staying hydrated to the point that I have to have daily IV hydration at home. I just loose so much, and it's caused me to become hypovolemic a number of times. Really be careful about what you are taking in,and how much you're loosing on a daily basis. If you can, go to any local pharmacy and pick up a urinal (like the ones they use in the hospital to empty your bag and measure your output) I prefer the men's urinal with the lid. I always keep atleaast 2 handy for the times when I am so weak that I can't get out of bed, but my bag is so full that it will "blow" if I don't empty it ASAP. 

Anyway, I'm totally getting off track now. My point was to get it so that you can measure your output for a few days, and if you are loosing MORE than a ltr (1000 ML's) like closer to 2000 ML's per day, (also very important to keep track of EXACTLY how much fluids you drink and what.) If you are loosing more than what you are taking in than that's obviously a problem, but the problem will be in how much MORE. 

Color doesn't mean anything really. And I wouldn't focus too much on the amount of calories you're eating, from what I've learned, having an Ilestomy, and high output, possibly "dumping syndrome" could be a small blockage keeping the "food" from passing and only "water like" output. This happens to me all the time  (every thing that I eat) There's so many things that it could be. 

So I would start with the amount of output vs intake. Keep good record's and get an appointment with your GI Dr. soon if you feel like things don't add up and especially if you are having pain. 

Nora aka Crohnies4Nora 

Nov 09, 2017 2:18 pm

Good day.. I saw your post and had to write. Iv had the same problem also have corrected it aswell and thought I maybe able to help this matter.  I came across a research paper from a university on acid reflux which I had a horrible problem with and bile output of 2-4L a day. This study found that taking meletonine reduced or completely stoped the bile output al together.. Now depending on your absorption rate the recommended dose was 5-10mg everyday 2-3hours befor bed in about 6 -8 weeks you should see a massive improvement . I did it and still do and my bile output completely stoped!! Which is more then my drs could do it was so bad had to sleep sitting up heck if I bent over to tie my shoes it pour out of my mouth so it was bad.. 3yrs later as long as i take it every night 0. Out put of bile. The great thing as u no melatonin is harmless your body uses what it needs and gets rid of what it doesn't.. 

I hope this will help like it did for me. My GI specialist now recommand this.. . 

 Ps iv I even miss a couple of nights the bile comes back and has taken a week of not forgetting for it to stop again ..

 Cheers and can't wait to here if it helps u...

Nov 10, 2017 8:44 pm


You said melatonon helps with bile?How can you keep awake if you take during day?I have used at nite 10mg but am groggy next day maybe I take to late like 10pm and it takes hour or so to make me drowzy?Seems I get bile if I do not eat and after bag change with benifiber and lomotil to slow it down to change?





Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister
