I was using the Hollister bag with the folding Velcro closure and with an Eakins ring and last night it felt very itchy but I change/remove my bags in the a.m. when my gut is more "asleep." So upon waking, I go to change it and OMG....Well I figured there was some pancaking as I could kinda see it before removal (the bag was that beige semi-transparent stuff so you can see darker areas where stool is) and OMG...the entire Eakins seal area was an amalgamation of sticky Eakins stuff and poop. I had to scrub my poor tender skin in the shower to get it off. Then my stoma bled. The area is still itchy even after cleaning, drying, skin protectant. But I have the bag and ring and all back on so I'm not oozing poo and blood.
How can I prevent an Eakins-goo-and-poo event?
How can I get less itchy skin? It is itching more than my fire ant bites!