Preventing Eakins-goo-and-poo event & reducing itchy skin?

Sep 29, 2018 1:31 pm

I was using the Hollister bag with the folding Velcro closure and with an Eakins ring and last night it felt very itchy but I change/remove my bags in the a.m. when my gut is more "asleep." So upon waking, I go to change it and OMG....Well I figured there was some pancaking as I could kinda see it before removal (the bag was that beige semi-transparent stuff so you can see darker areas where stool is) and OMG...the entire Eakins seal area was an amalgamation of sticky Eakins stuff and poop. I had to scrub my poor tender skin in the shower to get it off. Then my stoma bled. The area is still itchy even after cleaning, drying, skin protectant. But I have the bag and ring and all back on so I'm not oozing poo and blood.

How can I prevent an Eakins-goo-and-poo event?

How can I get less itchy skin? It is itching more than my fire ant bites!

Sep 29, 2018 3:50 pm

Hi Gemd.

Next time you change your flange, wash and dry the area very well. Use Calamine lotion over the entire area, allowing it to dry well. Then use a skin protectant ... I use Coloplast Skin Barrier Wipes.

I've also used Coloplast Adhesive Remover when removing my flange. I never scrub the area per se, I gently wash it and then spend time in the shower. Nothing like the feel of water running on my skin. Be careful not to allow the shower to directly hit the stoma (especially if you have a strong shower).

If your output is too thick, try some extra water. It helps me keep my output at the right consistency.

I hope this helps.


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Sep 30, 2018 7:25 am

Hello Gemd. My own reply to you problem would be much the same as Brenda's, so I will not repeat it. However, I would add that one of the manufacturers once sent me a clear plastic cup ( much the same as my prawns are packed in) which I half-fill with warm water to gently rinse around my stoma when necessary. This proved to be a great way of dislodging any residue output that had attached itself to the stoma and surround without causing any more damage than already there.

I hope this is helpful in your case.

Best wishes


Sep 30, 2018 9:26 pm

Perhaps your skin is sensitive to the Hollister bag? Is this your regular supply? Perhaps you've become allergic to it?

Sep 30, 2018 11:33 pm

I've only used Hollister twice but really liked it, so I hope I am not allergic. Next time, I will follow all your advice!


Getting Support in the Ostomy Community with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Oct 01, 2018 7:36 pm

Hey there, boy can I relate!!! My output was very thin and used to leak all the time and in turn badly damaged my skin, which in turn made it impossible for my bag to stick. My skin was constantly irritated!!! I tried everything, as the burning and itching was so bad!!! Finally, my surgeon suggested I dab Mylanta on my skin to neutralize the acid!!! It immediately worked!!!

This, in turn, bought me the time to find solutions without the pressure of pain bearing down on me!!!

Sep 25, 2022 12:08 am

Hi Gemd,

Yeah, that itch is something really indescribable, isn't it? I get that every now and then and it's all I can do to not rip off my bag and scratch that itch!!! Makes chickenpox feel like the minor league!!! If I'm reading your post right, the issue you have is with getting the old Eakins ring off your skin easily. Have you contacted them and asked what remover product they recommend? The Eakins is designed to become a gooey mess, as it's supposed to absorb more liquid than any other seal. I've got a box of them that I'm hoping to try one of these days, but I never thought about how you get them when you're changing your barrier. I checked their website and there's no info on removal... it's all about how to apply. I'd call Convatec and ask them what the deal is. And let us know... it's something I'd want to know BEFORE I applied one.
