Making Christmas Special for My Recovering Dad

Nov 11, 2018 9:10 pm

My father has had a colostomy and is now getting a urostomy this winter break. I will be traveling in the months of his recovery but will be with him during Christmas. I wanted to make a basket full of things that will be helpful to him to show I care.


If anyone can list products that have been helpful and items that helped with recovery (even if they are not directly related to the surgery) I would really appreciate it! Also, anything that has been helpful in the long run... he loves to be active so any items that help make running more comfortable, etc.


Thank you all so much in advance!

Nov 12, 2018 6:41 am

Hello prouddaughter. An interesting post and I am probably the last person to ask about giving materialistic gifts to, as I want for very little  that I don't already have. However, I will say that I have two daughters whom I feel a bit sorry for at these times when they feel they want to 'give' me 'something'.

So many people think that this 'something' should be a material gift and I try to explain that the best thing they can give me would be something genuinely of themselves. Usually this translates into 'time' and pleasantness spent at any time of the year. However, if they want to transpose that into something more tangible for an occasion such as birthdays,( I don't celebrate xmas)  I would suggest them making a very personalised, inexpensive card, poem, photo/picture or painting  etc. that they have made themselves, expressing their feelings.  This demonstrates that they have put some of their own thoughts and effort into whatever it is they wish to portray. It also demonstrates an understanding and respect for my own beliefs values and aspirations even if they don't go along with that for themselves. In other words, it is not the material gift that counts., it is the thought and 'love' behind the gestures which are appreciated much more than the material gift. Of late, one of my daughters has invited us  to share a meal with her. In the same way as above, I much prefer a simple meal prepared by her, than I would go out for a meal prepared by someone else and just paid for as a gift.

Having said all this, which is probably not that helpful to your quest,  I would add that your idea is a lovely one which, if you can manage it will, I feel sure,  be much appreciated both on a practical level and for the effort your have put in thinking about it.

I hope you get some more helpful replies from others.

Best wishes





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ron in mich
Nov 12, 2018 2:39 pm
Hi PD I find now that I am older and don't need things, gift cards or certificates to restaurants or movies or favorite sporting goods stores are better.
Nov 25, 2018 10:22 pm

Hi Prouddaughter. If he likes activity and running, get him a puppy. He'll either run with the new family member or chase you to the ends of the earth to return the animal...