Hey Joan,
I've been an ostomate for 18 months. In that time, I've had 40+ blockages. The first two I went to the emergency room per doctors' advice. They didn't know anything about irrigation, so instead they pumped my stomach for 4 days and starved me.
I lost 20 pounds or 9 kg. They don't feed you anything, not even an ice cube! It was the worst. I normally weigh 152 lbs, I got down to 99, and I'm now 132 lbs.
I had my rectum removed due to cancer. I have an ileostomy (small intestine). If I'm not super careful what I eat, I block up and suffer dearly for usually 2-4 days. Foods that plug me are: popcorn, celery, onions, any veggies with skin... tomatoes, beans. No salads! No raw fruit with a skin or peel. Bananas are fine, mangos, watermelons are good too. If I eat too quickly, it's dangerous. I must chew like a cow and not swallow large chunks, no matter how filling it is. Always drink lots of fluids, 4-8 pints per day! Not ale! Juice, water, and the like.
I hope to have my bag removed soon. My surgeon is the best and thinks it's still possible. There was so much radiation damage that the 5 surgeons that I interviewed first all gave me a dismal outlook, so I fired all of them! I found the best guy in CA and turns out he taught 2 of the other candidates and apologized for their poor bedside manners.
It's not normal to have blockages often, I'm told. (3 a year is average, my own poll) It could be caused by what's called adhesions or scar tissue inside, or maybe he's eating a non-ostomate diet? Gotta be low residue or soft GI, they call it here in the states.
Good luck to you both! Post again or let me know how things are going. Take care, Donavon B.