Dealing with Recurring Rectal Stump Pain After Ileostomy

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Jan 31, 2019 6:24 am

I've had my ileostomy for 13 years, and had the protection in 2014. For several months after that I had that annoying, uncomfortable and weird phantom pain at my rectal stump. Over the last 5 years it's happened occasionally, for maybe a day or two at the most, and was very mild.  

The past week and a half it's flared up as bad as it was right after the surgery. I have an appointment with my colorectal surgeon next week but until then am at my wits end trying to deal with it. Sitting is almost unbearable and walking makes it worse. Nothing seems to help. Ibuprofen, Tylenol, heating pad. 

Has anyone had this happen and if so, how did you deal with it. 

I'm not looking for medical advice, just information on how others have managed. 


Lt. Dan
Jan 31, 2019 5:14 pm

Hi Buddi;

Sorry to here that and what your going through. Ive been there also.  I had my rectal stump for 10 years. (Ileostomy surjury in 2008) It became mildly sore and started a lot of discharge and blood for  the last year. Running to the bathroom and sharp pain on occasion. It got much worse, so they had to remove it. I went through the surjury in May 2018. It took awhile to heal but it did and a feel great now. 


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Karen & Stella
Feb 04, 2019 4:36 am

Bummer. I’ve had my ileostomy since 2009, and on rare occasions have had to deal with rectal stump pain. One thing that makes me more comfortable is a baking or epson soda bath for 20-30 minutes. Hoping you get some good answers from your surgeon and some relief.