Need help with colostomy irrigation issues!

May 28, 2019 12:03 am

I've had my colostomy since 1983. In the last year, when I irrigate, neither the water nor stool comes out. Maybe the next day, the stool will start to come out. I used to have great success irrigating. So good that I could go without a pouch. I used to get a good 7 days with the wafer, now I am struggling to get 5. Would anyone have any idea what could have changed in my colon to keep the water and stool from coming out?

I have been taking Miralax for a long time.

May 28, 2019 3:06 am

Hey Baseballsport,

I sometimes have times when I irrigate that nothing comes back and I have discovered that it isn't coming back because it did not go in. Sometimes something happens where I have so much backsplash that very little water actually goes in. Did not realize until I clamped the sleeve off as I was inserting water and found that the water was all in the sleeve! I always fill my bag to the very top which equates to 2500-2750 cc's to compensate for some of that splashback. I always save at least 500-750 cc's to rinse the sleeve. The goal is 1400 cc's in. You may want to try clamping your sleeve and checking it out! Could be a hernia preventing the insertion of water. If you had a blockage, I would think that nothing would go either way! Are you using a two-piece cap? Or have you gone back to a pouch? How often do you irrigate? I tried every other day for 6 months and even though it was sooo much better than not irrigating, I still had output. I have just started irrigating every day and still have output! I have a crazy diet so most is my own fault but hoping that soon, I can move on to a cap. Hope you find your problem. It certainly is a life changer!


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May 28, 2019 5:26 am

Hello Baseballsport.

My reply would have been much the same as Puppyluv's in that sometimes there is so much splashback that hardly any water gets input to the stoma so does not do the job as intended.  I have several different hernias so this could be the problem for me. However,I have found that the current/recent medication I'm on for heart problems has altered the stoma routine so this might also have a bearing on the situation. I have found that Metamucil helps to soften the stools and seems to enable more water to get to where it needs to be to evacuated effectively. 

Hope this helps 

Best wishes


May 28, 2019 9:02 pm

I was having a 'tough' time, last week, until I ate about a half pound of boiled onions. That certainly released the dam for me. Damn me it did! Can't do any harm to give it a try. Not as nice as fried but not all medicines taste good! Good luck anyway..x

Shitt Happens
Jun 03, 2019 1:32 pm

Good morning Baseballsport,
I have been irrigating my stoma for over 1 year and I no longer use a collar and bag (look at my picture to see what I use on my account) and the first thing to do when all your equipment is ready which means warm water bag, your cone with gel and put gel on his index finger and insert your index finger into your stoma to relax and bring in the cone more easily, and no water loss. I always kneel in front of the toilet and when the bag is emptied everything comes out quickly in the toilet without problems.

If nothing comes out in the first 30 minutes, or very little, I take a round plastic dish and I lie in my bed on the left side with the dish below me so that the stoma is in the dish and miraculously the stoma begins to empty. This only happened to me 3 times in about 1 1/2 years, but it works. It is important to have consistency when you are doing your irrigation. I do mine at about 5 pm every day and I always eat an oatmeal in the morning to start my day and usually I have no waste in the day.


Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Jun 09, 2019 6:51 pm

Have colostomy and just had prolapsed stoma reduced! Am thinking about irrigation for social get-togethers! Have large 2-piece Convatec. Why can't I use a regular enema bottle and hose with my large bag instead of buying irrigation equipment? Not concerned about the money!

Jun 09, 2019 11:56 pm

Wow Abe, I imagine anything would work but I would be careful. You will need it to hold at least 1500cc of warm water. You might want to speak to your Ostomy nurse or doctor first. Maybe do your irrigation the first time at the Ostomy nurse's office.


Jun 10, 2019 5:29 am

Hello Honestabe.

I have made my own irrrigator out of a battery operated shower unit and a cereal box and it's worked well for me for about a year. (See my photos for a picture)

Before that I used a garden sprayer which worked equally well but I was reluctant to try to take it through customs because it had 'KILLERSPRAY' printed in bold letters on the side and I thought they might object. Someone has to invent these things so why not you? I'm sure you will find that if you have used an enema bottle successfully before, then it will likely work again. Common-sense and caution are always good ingredients for tryng new stuff. 

Best wishes


Jun 10, 2019 10:50 am

Thanks for the reply

Shitt Happens
Jun 10, 2019 7:55 pm

Honest Abe,

But why make one? The Hollister bag that I bought with the cone and drain that opens and closes for about $60.00 and it's been over 1 1/2 years that I use it and it's still good. Can you explain to me what is the point in making one? Please! And maybe I'll want to make one too ... lolllll

Jun 10, 2019 8:14 pm

I am going to contact Convatec and order a couple! Money is no issue, just wondering if you already have an old enema bag in the closet, why not just use it? I have only used a stoma nurse one time in 5 years! She came here one time and didn't really know anything! I have gotten my info off posts like this one and YouTube! I am a lifetime member! Thanks for the info!

Jun 11, 2019 5:33 am

Hello Shit Happens. There seems to be no reason whatsoever to make one's own irrigator if the one's supplied by manufacturers do the job adequately. However, in my case, the regular ones did not work for several reasons: 

1) My peristomal hernia closed the hole just inside the stoma and the cone would not penetrate past it, so I needed a catheta arrangement.

2) I needed water pressure to assist the catheta to circumnavigate the hernia without causing damage. (the pump provided just enough water pressure to aid entry).

3) The water bag was insufficient for my needs ( partly because I had too much splashback without a cone ).

4) The only device which came somewhere near to my needs was the Braun irrigator ( I have written a review of this product and would not criticise it for performance apart from having insufficient water capacity and being far too expensive for my budget.) fortunately, it would have been available on the NHS except that it did not satisfy all my requirements. 

I hope this answers your question as to why I have made my own device (s). 

Of course there is another reason, which is that I actually enjoy experimenting to see if I can improve gadgets to help with the sometimes tedious processes of managing a stoma.  

Best wishes


Jun 11, 2019 1:30 pm


Jul 11, 2019 2:24 am

I first got my colostomy about 6 years ago and was kind of on my own to figure things out (it was a result of surgical mistakes). I've tried to contact Stone Underworld help but am always told I have to go back to where I got the colostomy. That's impossible as it was done twice. I have difficulty getting it to fit as it is sunk way in. But I am amazed as I have never heard of or even read of anyone irritating their stoma. Doesn't that hurt and why do you do it? I totally hate my bag as if I have to empty it at work, people make a big deal about odor. And yes, I spray and put stuff in the bag to try and decrease smell but it seems like that makes the bag break down faster. What is a cap and doesn't that hurt? What happens if you have one on and start to go? I know I sound stupid and don't mean to pry, but I'm just in awe as this seems odd and risky or asking for an accident. Curiosity has really got me on this one.

Jul 11, 2019 2:53 am

Hi Tink,

Irrigation is a way to relieve all of those odor issues and emptying in a public restroom or friend's home. No, it does not hurt at all. There are no nerves in there to cause or send pain! You can order an irrigation kit from your supply company. You can do as I did if you do not have an ostomy nurse to consult. I watched the YouTube videos several times! It is a bit cleaner on the video but still exactly as you would do! You can call the different ostomy supply companies, Coloplast, Convatec, and Hollister, and request cap with filter samples. Either one piece or two piece, whichever products you like best. You irrigate every day at the same time of day to train your colon to empty only at that time. It does take a while before you have no output and you will need to continue to wear your drainable pouch just in case. There are many people that irrigate on here. All willing to help you in the process. You can certainly send me a private message if you feel more comfortable. Glad to help you through this process if you think it fits better into your world. It will set you free. Allows you to live again!


Jul 11, 2019 6:46 am

Hello Tink71. Puppyluv has given a perfectly good reason for trying irrigation so I will not repeat her post, just reinforce what she says. 

Those of us who have been successful with irrigation have found that life is so much easier without the daily management of a bag. This is what makes the process worthwhile and I would recommend anyone with a colostomy to give it a try.

Best wishes


Shitt Happens
Jul 11, 2019 7:50 pm

Hello Think 71,

I practice the irrigation of my stoma every day for over 2 years and I discovered this system through this site.

I advise you to see a stomatherapist to help you understand this irrigation system before you start.

You will see despite this damn handicap, irrigation is a real deliverance.

I no longer wear a collar and bag, just a pansement and a Tegaderm film.

Good luck

Danielle from Quebec, Canada