Hi tmn,
Ostomy nurses, like all medical professionals, come in all shapes, sizes, and knowledge levels. I can't stress enough how important word of mouth is when dealing with medical folks. If you walk up to a nurse without knowing him/her and ask, "How good is Doctor So-and-So?" they will automatically say he/she is great... because she doesn't know you or your motives and wants to cover his/her ass. But if you were on a first-name basis and maybe joke around a bit with the same nurse, you'd be very surprised at what you could learn about old So-and-So. Same goes for information like what an ostomy patient should eat. There's the textbook answer, which you got, and then there's the real answer that's a little more guarded because it involves the use of common sense that the ostomy nurse can't control and doesn't know if you have any or not.
Put yourself in her shoes. Follow me here... so you ask the ostomy nurse if you can eat Mexican food. You're expecting her to assume she can count on you to have common sense and not overdo it. So she takes a chance and tells you you can certainly eat Mexican, but don't go nuts. But let's say you don't have common sense and you have no clue what "don't go nuts" means (and you weren't smart enough to ask). So you truck on over to Taco Bell and wolf down a couple Beefy 5 Layer Burritos with lots of hot sauce. Next thing you know, you're running into the ER complaining about pain and bloating and gas and excess output, etc. The first thing the triage nurse is going to ask you is what you recently ate... and you're going to tell them. If that nurse has a set of testicles, he's going to ask you why the hell someone with intestinal issues (i.e., you) just ate all that spicy Mexican food. And you're going to say... drum roll, please... because the ostomy nurse said I could. Take a wild guess who's going to be getting called into her boss's office the next morning to explain why she told you it's okay to eat Mexican food?
Anyway, my point is you have to remember that if they don't know you, medical folks will provide the answers for the lowest common denominator... i.e., the stupid patients... just to cover their butts. For that reason, I always make it a point to make lots of conversation, get the names of any medical folks I meet, and show them they're not talking to a blooming idiot. Even if I'm just there for a few hours for a CT scan or a few minutes for bloodwork. You make judgments about people you just meet all the time. Medical folks are no different. The only difference is they'll get their butts sued off for malpractice if they assume anything about you or your intelligence level. So they don't assume anything. I find people will take better care of you if they like you. Seems like common sense to me, but I see lots of folks getting pissed off, yelling, and making a scene in doctors' offices and hospitals all the time. How well would you treat someone who's screaming at you and all up in your face while you are trying to help them? And I'm not saying that's you, just one extreme of their daily lives. I'll just say I've been able to avoid countless idiots in the medical world (doctors, nurses, radiologists, etc.) by getting other medical folks to tell me the truth about who the good doctors, etc. are and who to avoid. Same goes for getting answers to my medical questions. Yes, it does take a little effort on your part... but it's ultimately up to you to find the best healthcare professionals. Remember, it's a job to them... they go home at 5:00 pm and have their own issues to deal with, so they aren't worrying about you all night. But go out of your way to make a friend and the next time you meet them, it will pay dividends. And if you never deal with them again, so what? Some stranger will remember meeting a nice person, and that's all. Still not a bad thing. If you leave your medical care and those who provide it up to the luck of the draw, you will eventually lose... because over time "The House Always Wins". Now go get yourself a nice pizza taco and enjoy it. But just one... and easy on the hot sauce!! And if anyone asks, don't you dare say Bob said it was okay to do so.