Update - I did let my nurse know what's going on when she came out today. She advised me to contact the head of my home health care. They are contacting my doctor. They all think it's a gallstone but can't really say that without tests.
Right now waiting on doctor. Today the pain is in my back radiating around to the front. It's right where you put your hands on your hips.
I've had my stoma since the end of July 2022, so I'm fairly new to this. I'm still healing from a 13 hr surgery to remove cancer from within. Basically my abdomen looks like Frankenstein.
Prior to surgery I had gall bladder issues so I lived on a low-fat diet to try and keep it from flaring. When it flares it feels like a metal belt tightening under my breasts, acid indigestion, and heartburn.
Off and on since I've had the ostomy I've had the tightening, occasional heartburn, and what I can only describe as being trussed up like a turkey. Imagine someone wrapping strings around your abdomen at different angles and pulling tight.
This has been going on for about four days now and I thought it was gas. I've had some gas in my bag, some output. I'm never sure what is normal output. Usually it quits in the night but not last night.
I can't even sit up without feeling like a string is trying to cut me in half. My stomach is rumbling right now, and I'm trying to drink peppermint tea.
Is it gas or slight blockage?