I've made a comment before about the benefits of the Coloplast large output bags. It is counterintuitive but for a tall man as I am it is so easy to hide, much easier than anything I've ever worn before. Because of my height the bag ends by my lower groin, so whatever happens it is always well below the belt line and because I'm in my normal weight, my stomach is kinda flat, so then you don't see anything, even when there is a substantial amount in there, I don't even notice it, and I hug people, get close, even cuddle, and the other person can not tell! I hug people all the time, friends and family and they don't feel anything, I just move my left leg backwards a bit, and it is not noticeable at all, even with output in it. It is total freedom for me, add to that a healthy diet and you never have to worry about anything, so easy to hide. Also during intimacy it is the easiest to fold and hide just because it is just a little tip instead of this big clumsy and heavy opening of the regular bags. I had the hardest times trying to hide the other bags with the big openings, could never do it fully well. I don't empty at night pretty much due to my diet and the fact I stop eating around 2 pm, maybe an apple or snack after, just a habit that gives me enormous freedom, only have one meal a day, enough for me. But, I cheat all the time, lol, can't resist chocolate or pastries. Gained pounds during the holidays, process of losing it, trying! The feeling of being somewhere and knowing that nothing will happen no matter what you eat or gas, or anything is awesome. I wear a ring, I forget I have this all day, that's right, a big output bag makes it all go away. Thanks to this, I don't ever give this condition a thought, makes it all so normal, have as normal life as the next guy, and better, much easier to clean, just a little tip, and quick and much more hygienic than a regular butt lol. I don't spend any time at the restroom, so easy to handle. I think being tall is what makes it work so well, not sure about that but it is worth trying. I can meet with a friend, date, or family and eat away if that is what we want, Chinese, Italian, fish, Mexican, clam chowder, whatever you throw at it, it's got your back, and when I get up from the table you can see nothing, falls between the legs and the crotch area hides it, just genius. And it is also so thin, compared to some others that are heavy and clumsy, if empty you can run into me which family has done and will feel absolutely nothing because the tip is small and is well below completely hidden, also the thing is so thin it's unnoticeable. Just love this bag and the enormous freedom it has and keeps giving me. I highly recommend this for newbies, it will avoid them embarrassment because it is pretty much leak-free if you use a ring, the tip you would have to yank it off to open it. With a regular bag with velcro I had accidents where they would open due to sudden moves or the wrong moves, this will not happen with this tip, impossible, could play rugby and wouldn't open, that is how secure it is. If you are new to the ostomy world, definitely try it, will avoid that learning curve where all bad things and leaks happen. One less thing to worry about, peace of mind. I wish I'd known about this in the beginning, had so many accidents lol, funny now but not then. Let's say you eat Chinese, meet a friend, with this bag, you will not have to get up 25 minutes after due to gas or the bulging of the food, you will get up after an hour, thing is you will not even think you have a bag, the confidence is complete, eat away, and just like anybody else get up after an hour or more, chat, laugh have a great time with no worries, then get up and clean only once. I can not say enough how it changed everything, if you try it I hope it works as well as it has for me, good luck!