Oncoming Events!

Jul 01, 2011 3:27 pm
I am writing this to inform all people who read my blog that I have very big plans coming up in the next 6 months to a year. Sometime in the summner I will be undertaking another operation that will affix an internal pouch and a different type of stoma, a temporary one that's at a higher position (not in terms of placement of the bag) in the small intestine. Six to eight months after this has been constructed, providing there have been no problems with the internal pouchs failing or going wrong, another, much simpler operation will be done to re-attach the newly formed stoma or ileostomy to the much newer part of my body, the internal pouch.

The only things I am worried about are Pouchitis (inflamation in the lower part of the internal pouch) and the fact that this new operation is far bigger that my original operation. Therefore I will be in much worse condition afterwards that I was last time during and after my first operation. Hope I will still have all the support afterwards from this website and its members and from my stoma nurses (I call them mine becasue they are of a high priority to me)

Past Member
Jul 02, 2011 11:15 am
Wow....I know the thought of multiple surgeries and months of recovery, MUST leave you with such a "mixed bag" (no pun intended) of feelings.

Why the internal pouch? Is this a choice or necessity? Either way, I wish you great sucess and a very speedy recovery. May knowing what you're facing (factually), having gone through prior recoveries (painfully), you're already ahead of the game. You're smart and brave, I know you'll do fine..........

Please keep us informed of your status and progress along the way, okay? Your experiance can and will help others making that very difficult and scary decision.
Looking forward to GREAT news......BEG
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Jul 04, 2011 4:42 am
You have youth on your side. Don't worry about your weaknesses. Remember your strengths, and kick ass for all of us.