DOCILE stoma.
I like my stoma when docile
rather than when volatile
as, when it’s passive, I can do
all those things that I want to.
I can run and I can swim
and I can work out in the gym,
I can drive and I can fly
without the need for loos nearby.
All these things are possible
and maybe even probable,
depending upon how reliant
my stoma is and how compliant.
Many benefits can come
from this stoma on my tum
as long as it stays cool and tame
and fulfils its basic aim.
As a long-standing ostomate
I like its tranquil, peaceful state,
where it will function as it should
and, on the whole, be calm and good.
A docile stoma is a must
to engender growing trust
and some appreciation for
managing my crap and more.
There’s little doubt, you might agree
that living with an ostomy,
as long as it remains docile
can be pleasant and worthwhile.
But when it is the opposite,
I feel that it is apposite
to state I hate this ‘bloody’ thing
and the hassle it can bring.
B. Withers 2024