Hello PAD160,
The way you describe your condition it sounds as if the scar tissue is continuing to grow. I didn't know anything about this condition until a friend of mine suffered from it. I have looked it up though Google and there is a lot of information on it. Here is a snippet:
A keloid scar is a raised scar that is not flat like the rest of your skin. This type of scar tissue keeps growing. Hypertrophic scars are less troublesome because they don't keep growing. Both of these surgery scars look very different from your normal skin.
If you have a scar that keeps growing, you may want to ask your cosmetic surgeon if you can receive an injection directly into the scar. Most plastic surgeons know how to treat scars by injecting a 1% lidocaine solution into the scar.
This scar care method can be repeated as needed until the scar stops growing and begins to flatten and lose it's redness. This treatment sometimes helps resolve
scar tissue pain as well.
Of course this may not be the problem in your case so the advice to consult someone who knows about these things seems to be the best way forward. (The surgeon who did the operations for the stoma may not be an expert in the field of scar tissue growth)
I hope this is helpful
Best wishes