Thank You - You Know Who You Are

Jun 30, 2013 4:51 pm
I want to thank everyone who stood up against a hater that responded in a very nasty and ugly manner to a thread I posted seeking to connect with gay female ostomates. The thread has vanished, but I'm grateful to all who took a stand and made it clear what this board is here for and about.
Jul 01, 2013 11:19 pm
People have hated since the beginning of time and still do. They hated the Irish, hunkies, blacks,

Mexicans and on and on. That's their problem not yours so feel sorry for them. Times are changing

and change needs to be accepted to progress as a civilization or we will always be in the dark ages. Live your own life and let others live theirs. We have no choice, it will change.
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Sep 14, 2013 3:13 pm
Hi txess, you're much to charitable but we accept your thanks, but I still think the administration went too far in removing the whole post especially mine because it was a challenge to come down on the ignorant poster, it took everfy bit of my imagination not to use language that would offend even more people. I guess bigotry is alive and well, yet. Ed
Sep 14, 2013 5:16 pm
I am so sorry to hear this happened to you too, seems another post I missed as I have lack of time on here, but never, never tolerate that bullcrap!!  We have no tolerance left for that kind of behavior in here

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   Glad to meet you and happy that you made this post.....!!   Never allow bullies or haters to rule anywhere, muchtheless a very valuable meeting place like this one.  We all need to hold each other up, share information and connect ....and support each other......

........and remember,......... the sweet, kind, sincere and wonderful people who visit and post on this website FAR outnumber any troublemakers that try to seep in .........they have no power here.

The vast majority of people on this site who read but don't post, share our opinions of the haters and the bullies.........they have sunk their own ship.

Take care and be well!

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Past Member
Sep 14, 2013 8:51 pm
i found it quite offensive; and i am a surly & ignorant metal head

Staying Hydrated with an Ostomy with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Sep 18, 2013 7:27 pm
guntenberg I agree, I don't think admin should have deleted the thread, it was really a wonderful testament to the quality of people on this site! If anything, the responses were a great 'advertisement' for this site. Anyone reading would have been uplifted and impressed by the spirit of the people here.

Right on, Wounded Doe! You said it beautifully. I saw all of that in action.

Sinfulsot... *smiles for miles*
Sep 18, 2013 8:10 pm

Say what you want Sinful, but I've never seen an ignorant post from you yet, but a lot of humor. Ed