Trouble with Stoma Wafer Adhesion and Skin Irritation

Nov 28, 2013 6:44 am

     I have been having probelms with the wafer it has been coming off.  I changed my wafer and bag today, and around my stoma is irrated, really red n sore.  I applied the powder.  And used the stoma paste instead of the round circle.  My stoma is really small this time around.  So I am so frusated.  I will go c my surgeron on Tuesday. Any suggestions<


ron in mich
Nov 29, 2013 6:13 pm
hi blessed how much of a gap between the wafer and your stoma do you have,i usually leave about an 1/8 inch gap around mine and use a little paste and part of a eakin seal to fill in the dips in my skin, also make sure the your skin is dry and no oily residue from soaps.  good luck ron in mich
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  38,279 members
Nov 30, 2013 8:03 pm
Hi I had the same problems in the past. I have had my ileostomy at 36 and I am 60 now

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I use a Hollister convex wafer. When I get bright red skin under my wafer I start right away fixing it. I remove all paste w/remover pads, then wash w/warm water  gentle soap, then carefully blow dry my tummy. Then I put literally a dot of Monostat cream on all the red skin. It will soak in the skin if your patient for a few mins then I put a protective skin wipe over that and use the blow dryer to completely dry the skin. Then move on to your paste (not to much) wait for a few seconds until its tacky but not sticking to your finger. Place your wafer around your stoma and hold it there for a min  then my pouch w/M9 drops in it and connect my belt sung but not to tight. You could either have an allergy to the adhesive or yeast on the skin. I have both issues at times so this is what I do from beginning to end. I am a newbie here but if you have any questions please ask me I do not mind at all

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Good luck!!!
Nov 30, 2013 8:03 pm
oh one more thing, I get 7 days wear out of it. Once maybe every year I might get a blow out while sleeping, Oh gosh, I get so mad!! Grrrr! LOL. But it happens sometime. Make sure you watch how late at night you eat and empty always before bed

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