Hi Maddie &" A stoma by any other Name".....
I'm Marsha, and I have my ileostomy ( for Ulcerative Colitis) for more than 50+ years....since I was a child of 15. I didn't have my final surgery until I was 19, which is when they finally removed the diseased anus and rectum, which would not heal.
But compared to what you two are dealing with.....the ileostomy seems like the least of it.... at least it was for me.
THe UC was so bad, that I lost track of all the blood transfusions I had ( one gave me Hep C which wasn't diagnosed until 40 years later) For the 4 years I was sick, I was in and out of hospitals, out of schools, on bed rest, and on all kinds of experimental medications....that caused other complications ( calcium deficincy....in a back brace ) I probably had about 20 relatively healthy years....between 20 & 40, but then old conditions, and new ones ( kidney failure, blood pressure, diabetes from too much steroids ) started to flare up. I had gone through 2 pregnancies in my 20sm and managed to have 2 beautiful boys......who both have inflammatory bowell disease.....one has UC, the other Crohns. But thankfully, their conditions are being managed by medications, and so far, they've avoided surgery. But they are both raising young children so I/ we worry about their future as well.
It's really good that the two of you found each other... as it''s good to have someone who understands what you're going through. There are so many people on this site......who have their own " war stories to tell", but to me......( now 69, ) that I managed to live a full and active ( although not so healthy life) is a miracle.... I'm grateful every day, for the time I've had... And when I read what others are going through.....I reach out in understanding and compassion..... mostly to say that each day is precious, so make the best of it, even when things are not going so great. Easier said than done.!!!!
Last week, I went for an exam of my back ( MRI of my long standing degenerative disc disease), went for a breast biopsy ( unusual spot on my mamo) and had to go for a colcospocy, ( for a less than perfect pap smear). My blood work was also eratic....with the potassium too high ( dangerous for the heart.... Sigh!!! All I wanted to do was cry.....and I don't drink....but I wanted to eat... Thankfully, all the tests were negative.....or jusst " need to be watched". I'm grateful, but I don't think I'll ever have a " medical/ problem free life". Such is life.... So enjoy what you can, when you can. Well being can be fleeting. Best regards. Marsha