new at this ostomy stuff

Mar 25, 2014 3:40 pm
Oky I need help my stupid ins is saying that my ostomy is pre existing even though I just got my ostomy bag in january so they wont cover my supplies and im running out anyone know how to make something homemade I need it all the flange or wafer, the bags these are a must . and it would be nice to be able to make a homemade lubricating deodorizing stuff any one have any suggestions on here the help would be greatly appreciated thanks in advance

Mar 25, 2014 6:01 pm
In 5 years of bring on this site I have never heard of anyone coming up with something home made, don't even bother trying, it will leak, your skin will burn, your will be in agony. There is something illogical going on here...they may be saying you had pre-existing diverticulitis, but pretty silly to imply a re-existing ostomy..
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Mar 25, 2014 6:41 pm
Yea I thought it was a dumb deal but im out of options I have only 2 weeks of supplies left, and my hospital here wont give me anymore, my ins. Company is still waiting on my doctors to fill out the paper work stating it is not pre existing, and when I call them I get the same response theyll get to it when they can
Mar 25, 2014 7:14 pm
Hello SDD12967.I am by nature an experimenter and so I have come up with all sorts of 'inventions' that might work for me if ever I had to pay for my own supplies. However, I tend to agree with scotiaman in that in the game of trial and error many of my experiments have been errors and unless you are willing to put up with the consequences of possible failures making stuff for yourself is largely not worth the effort. If you are the type of person to ignore this type of advice then I woud say that some of the best 'gadgets' that I have come up with have been adaptations of stuff that is already on the market in order to make the reusable. I won't go on about them here as I feel that they are tailor-made for my own requirements and are unlikely to be suitable for others. I recently sent a load of stuff to Papua New Guinea as they obviously have a problem with supplies over there. This was partly a motivation for me to try to think of ways to manage an ostomy without reliance on the present manufacturers. Some of the I've stuff I've made works - but is too 'dodgy' in terms of potential damage to recommend it to anyone else. However, I still have other ideas in the pipeline that might reduce the risks involved and still be viable. Your time and efforts would probably be best applied to your GP and ins. company rather than experimentation at this stage.Best wishes Bill
Mar 25, 2014 8:31 pm
Hi, im just curious where you are from? I have had my ileostomy for four weeks now and all my supplies are covered for one year through a program with my hospital. Also, the canadian government gives a grant of $600 per year to each ostomy patient. Is there by chance anything like that where you are?

Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Mar 25, 2014 10:11 pm
Hi pammer ...well in answer to your question I am in Nova Scotia as my name implies, understand u are in ON..that said if you have a hospital helping you out with supplies, I doubt it is actually the hospital, but rather an affiliated company or organization, secondly I have never heard of the Can government providing a $600 annual grant for ostomy patients, however what they do provide, if you qualify (many ostomates do) is a disabity tax credit in the $7500.00 per annum range...but you must apply to revenue Canada though your GP.. That all said are you making out controlling the leaks...
Mar 25, 2014 10:28 pm
Hi pammer , im from the us and as far as I know they dont do anything like that hospital has covered me since january but they wont keep supplying me .
Mar 25, 2014 11:17 pm
SDD thing you could do is contact the major ostomy suppliers and request samples..give them an accurate description of your type of surgery and request samples of what they would recommend, including the barrier paste/rings...they are pretty obliging.
Mar 25, 2014 11:17 pm
SDD... I should have the ostomy products MANUFACTURES ...its an important distinction !!
Mar 25, 2014 11:46 pm
Regarding Canadian medical grants for ostomy patients or other illnesses, each province establishes its own medical mandate. This is decided by health transfer tax payments to each province and by provincial taxes. And in part, by the party in power. Ontario does, indeed, offer ostomy patients a $600 annual grant. In Alberta, where I am from, this assistance comes in the form of Alberta Aides to Daily Living (AADL) whereby if your incomes falls below a certain level, you could qualify for 100% coverage for ostomy supplies. If your income is higher, there is a co-pay available. Information on the policies of each province can be found using the following link. I hope this helps.
Mar 26, 2014 12:43 am
Kmed...thanks for yr comments, NS has a program which will help with the cost of ostomy supplies which varies in amount based on income...
Mar 26, 2014 1:08 am
Yea I live in the united states , and they dont help at all. And they do have companys that are income based but they won't help me since I have health health ins. Dosent even make since they coverd my ostomy surgery andhospital stay for 2 weeks , but now they wont cover my ostomy supplies until they make sure its not pre-exsiting, they are still waiting on the paper work from hospital and doctors this has been going on since january , I've been getting the free samples from diffrent companys to try but I think I've been through them all by now well I'm not giving up I'll just keep trying ..thanks everyone for your input
Mar 26, 2014 11:16 am
what type of supplies do you use ? i tried ,without success, to give some stuff away on this site....nobody responded. message me your address and i`ll put some stuff in the mail. do not rely on the govermnent to take care of you....they cant even balance a checkbook.
Mar 26, 2014 11:24 am
To mild_mannered _super_hero , that is so nice of you I thank you in advance..I need ostomy suppiles the wafers and the bags are the most needed and I have a small size the wafer or skin barrier is a size 1/2 to 7/8 in. Or 13 -22 mm
Mar 27, 2014 3:20 am
i have some extras i can send you. check your inbox
Mar 28, 2014 6:43 pm
Mild_mannered_super_hero I sent you amessage check your inbox
Mar 30, 2014 5:23 am
Hi sdd12967! I also have extra ostomy supplies. I had surgery last September and since then I've changed products like 3 times. If you would like, I can send them to you.
Mar 31, 2014 1:43 pm
I also have extra supply's,mine are the holster 2 piece ,also have some Econ seals,I just had my k pouch surgery done 5 wks ago,after having a brooks illi for 3 yrs,would be happy to help you,if you can use what I have let me know,,so sorry about your ins,,,best to you,,
Apr 02, 2014 12:54 pm
To singsongs, and beth20 would love your help supplies are greatly needed , wont let me send a private message, please contact me, just learning this computer stuff so im probably doing something wrong and thanks
Apr 02, 2014 3:45 pm
Send a e mail to,with what supply's you use,and your add,and I'll see if we can help,,,thanks,
Apr 03, 2014 12:33 pm
Hi. I'm not a full member so I cannot initiate messages. However, please feel free to email me at singsongs11(at)yahoo(dot)com. I'd be happy to mail my extras to you.
Apr 06, 2014 2:58 pm
Sdd12967, here are the ref,nu,on my extra,skin barriers,14705,they are the pre cuts,1-3/4 opening,the bags are 18202,they are the mine,drain able bags with clip closers,so if you can use those I will send them to you at know cost,
Apr 16, 2014 3:00 pm
Hmmm...I thought the Affordable Care Act did away with pre-existing conditions as of January 1 ? I wish I had some leftovers for you. I had to use mine up over the last two months because the supplier would not send me any until I could pay them (Edgepark). I had to meet the deductible and co-pay.You came to the right site: as you can see from above responses. :)
Apr 16, 2014 3:33 pm
Yes, they did change that law but what most people dont know is they put stipulations on it they dont have to pay for pre-exsiting for 1 year then they have to cover you
Apr 16, 2014 3:37 pm
Figures. Insurance companies really suck. They take trillions of dollars from people that hardly every use it, but have to be ****'s when someone really needs them.
Apr 23, 2014 1:28 pm
Thanks for the help everyone,
Past Member
Nov 23, 2014 2:37 am
Convatec sent me thirty bags free of charge. Through the conversation, ask them about this program. Tell them you use their product. These are some I do not use anymore; they are clear, i use opaque now. However, they sent them, so I keep them for emergency. Call them.
Past Member
Nov 23, 2014 2:32 am
Let me know if you contact them. I am curious to know if Convatec helps.