Hello StomaetaRose69.
Thank you for your post, which may well be different from what we normally expect on this site but nevertheless, still very interesting. I find myself agreeing entirely with what has been said by other contributors in that you should be very careful about what and how you put things in you stoma as it can cause irrepairable damage. However, having issued the warning, I will try to answer your question about 'other weirdos', so that you do not feel completely alone in putting things in your stoma.
Firstly, I would say that I do not stick things in my stoma out of a sense of compulsion, pleasure or frivolity. My own insertions have been to try to resolve issues myself, rather than returning to the medics for more unsatisfactory answers to my problems. My first experience of sticking something into my stoma was when the stoma nurse put her finger inside to try to release a blockage. she also told me which way the hole veered to. After this intial 'shock' I felt that if she could do this, then so could I, which allowed me to explore and 'know' the inside of my stoma as well as the outside. I was glad that I overcame my scruples in this regard because when I had a blockage caused by the peristalisis muscles completely blocking the hole, I identified exactly what it was and could relate this to the nurses, without further ado.
The suggestion was, that I could have further surgery to put the blockage right. I put forward a counter-suggestion, that I experiment a little before going down the surgical route. What I found was that if I put just enough presure on my finger, for long enough, the muscles relaxed and allowed my finger to pass by the blockage. after a few seconds the muscles would close around the finger and squeeze it ridiculously hard to try to expel it from the stoma. However, if I resisted that pressure, the muscles once again relaxed and I could leave my finger in for quite a while before the cycle began again. This gave me the idea that these muscles might be 'trained' to stay relaxed and allow the flow to proceed without further surgery. Obviously, I could not keep muy finger in there forever, so I experimented with other things (finger sized). The Coloplast plugs worked quite well as they expand once moist, and they are porous enough to let gasses through. Unfortuantely, they are also flexible and could not withstand the tremendous force exerted on them and would be forced out of the stoma from time to time. It tried all sorts of home-made devices and some of them worked reasonably well. The best of these was the casings from nasal inhalers which are smooth round-ended plastic with a hole drilled in the end and the sides. I cut the inside away to allow room for any faeces to collect inside the tube and so that I could attach a baseplate to prevent the device from going too far into the stoma. This was held in place by a belt which stopped the device from being pushed out by the muscle pressure. I also use a 'dilator', made from an adapted aluminium seed dibber, which helps to open up the hole wider than the width on my finger-devices. All these things have allowed me to continue irrigating for the past 3-4 years and avoid further surgery to rectify what is , in effect, a hernia.
I do not 'recommend' poking things in the stoma but, from personal experience, it can be done without coming to harm, IF and only IF you approach this with extreme care. I do not think I would be doing it if the alternative was not further surgery. The way I figure it is that 'good DIY botch', can sometimes be better than a complete makeover and it at least puts me in contro;l, rather than someone else whom I might trust much less with my own body.
Sorry if this post is too long, buit I thought it was worth sharing.
Best wishes